كيف تصنع صورة فنية مثل هذه ؟

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته في هذا الدرس الحصري بعنوان كيف تصنع صورة فنية مثل هذه ؟  الدرس بانقليزية لذلك تابعوا الصور وإتركوا تعليقاتكم :
تحميل ملفات المرفقة من هنا 

Step 1: Create a new Photoshop file

Open up a new file in Photoshop using these settings
  • Width: 2500px
  • Height: 1700px
  • Resolution: 300px/in
  • Color Mode: RGB Color – 8 bit

Step 2: Add the background image and clean it

Let’s start with the background image. Download the ocean stock and open it. Press Ctrl/Command + A to select all the image. Then copy (Ctrl/Command+C) and paste (Ctrl/Command+V) into our project.
As you can see, the stock image is way too large, so we’re going to have to resize it. To do that, we’re going to use the Free Transform Tool, remember it well because we’re going to use it for the rest of this tutorial. Go to Edit > Free Transform (or press Ctrl/Command + T).
Now press Ctrl/Command + 0 to see the whole selected area, and while holding Shift, click and drag the bottom right corner of the sky image until it matches the width of our canvas.
Once the widths are the same, place the image in the canvas using the image below as reference:
So far your image should look like this:
Now that the image is in place, we’re going to get rid of those logos. Select the Quick Selection Tool (or press W) and make a rough selection around the bottom logo.
Now let Photoshop do the hard work for you, press Shift + F5, select Content-Aware and click OK.
To erase the upper logo we’re going to use the Clone Stamp Tool. Select it (or press S) and click anywhere in the canvas with the right mouse button to change the settings of the brush. The brush size should be 500px and the hardness 0%.
Now use the Clone Stamp Tool to clone the area in the right (Alt/Option+click) into the logo (click and drag) like shown in the image below:
Your image should now look similar to this one:
Now we’re going to add a vignette and some lens correction to the background. Go to Filter > Lens Correction, click in the Custom tab, set the Amount to -25, Remove Distortion to +25 and Horizontal Perspective to -10.
Your image should now look like this:

Step 3: Changing the background colors

In this tutorial we’re going to add all the adjustment layers non-destructively by clicking in the “Create new fill or adjustment layer” like shown in the image below:
Using this technique, add a Curves Adjustment Layer going to ‘Create new fill or adjustment layer’ > Curves and change the RGB line based on the image below.
We don’t want the sky to be brighter, only the ocean, so we’re going to change the layer mask of the adjustment layer. Click on the layer mask of the Curves adjustment layer, select a soft brush and paint the sky with black to hide the adjustment layer in that area. Some quick tips:
  • Press D on your keyboard to return the colors of your palette back to Black and White
  • When painting a layer mask, black will hide the layer, and white will reveal it again
  • If you make a mistake while painting a layer mask, you just have to paint the area where you made the mistake with white again
  • You can quickly change between your background and foreground color by pressing X
  • To hide a layer mask, hold the Shift key and click on the mask. Do the same thing if you want to reveal it again
You should now have something like this:
Now we’re going to change the sky a little bit. Add a Exposure Adjustment Layer non-destructively and set the Exposure to -20, the Offset to -0,15 and the Gamma Correction to 0,9.
It’s looking pretty weird, right? But that’s because it’s affecting the ocean as well, and we don’t want that. So click in the layer mask of our Exposure Adjustment Layer and paint the ocean with black this time.
Your image should be similar to this one now:
Now we’re going to add a few more non-destructive adjusts to the sky, so we’re going to have to paint the ocean part of the layer mask with black in all of them. Add a Brightness/Contrast Adjustment Layer, set the Brightness to +10 and remember to paint the ocean in the layer mask.
Add a Gradient Map Adjustment Layer and change the gradient colors (click on the gradient) following the image below. Set this layer blend mode to Color and the Opacity to 35%.
Add a Photo Filter adjustment layer, select the Filter Yellow and change the blend mode of this layer to Color, lowering the opacity to around 30%. Remember to paint the ocean part of the layer mask again.
If you remembered to paint the ocean part of the layer mask in these three adjustment layers we just added, your image must be looking something like this:
Before moving to the next step let’s just clean our work area a little bit. Select all the layers we created so far and press Ctrl/Command + G to group them. Name the group Background.

Step 4: Add the turtle in the ocean

Open the turtle image in Photoshop and use the Quick Selection Tool (W) to make a quick selection around it. Don’t worry too much about the bottom part of the turtle because we will erase most of it later. Quick Tips:
  • Clicking with the Quick Selection Tool will add to the selection
  • Holding Alt/Option and clicking will subtract the selection
  • You can quickly change the size of your brush holding Alt/Option, clicking anywhere in the canvas with the right mouse button, and dragging to the left to decrease the size of the brush, and to the right to increase it
Copy and paste the turtle into our image and use the Free Transform Tool (Ctrl/Command+T) to increase her size a little bit (see the image below for reference). Now use the Move Tool (V) to place the turtle in the ocean.
Now comes the fun part! Create a layer mask to the turtle layer and with a soft brush paint the bottom part of the turtle with black.
Right now the edge between the turtle and the ocean is not looking good. To fix this we’re going to change the opacity of our brush to around 30% and start painting some areas with white and/or black.
Take your time in this step, it’s kind of tricky but it’s essential for your final image to look good. My turtle turned out like in the image below, but don’t worry if your image doesn’t look exactly like mine.
Now let’s adjust the colors. First, let’s add a Gradient Map Adjustment Layer (non-destructively, as always). Select the first gradient from the second row and clip this layer to our turtle layer (see the images below for the rest of the steps).
Your turtle must be looking like this now:
Add a Curves Adjustment Layer to the shell of the turtle. First check the image below to see the line values of the Cuves Adjustment Layer, and then paint the layer mask of this adjustment with black everywhere except the shell.
Remember to clip this adjustment layer with our turtle like we did with the Gradient Map.
Your turtle should now look like this:
Add a Color Balance Adjustment Layer (see the image below for the input values) and this time we don’t want the adjustment to affect the shell, so we’re going to paint it with black.
Again, remember to clip the adjustment layer to the turtle.
Now your image should be looking something like this:
And to finish this step, like we did last time, group all these new layers (select them and press Ctrl/Command+G) into a new group called Turtle.

Step 5: Add the picture frame of our hanging picture

In this step we’re going to start adding some smaller elements into our image. We’re going to start by adding the picture, the ropes holding it, the pigeon and some smoke coming out of the picture.
Let’s start with the picture frame. Open it, use your favorite selection tool to select it (the Quick Selection Tool and the Pen Tool works great in this image) and paste it into our image.
Resize the picture frame using the Free Transform Tool.
Before you accept the changes you did with the Free Transform Tool, rotate the picture frame 90º CW and position it in the right place.

Step 6: Add the old man picture to our hanging picture

Open the old man stock, press Ctrl/Command + A to select it all and copy and paste it into our project.
Now we have to resize it. Hold Shift + Alt/Option and use the Free Transform Tool to make the old man picture fits the picture frame. Position it on top of the picture frame.
After that, make sure that the picture frame layer is on top of the old man layer.
Now we’re going to resize the old man picture even more using the Free Transform Tool. Make sure that the top and the bottom of the old man layer touch the inside borders of the picture frame layer.
The last thing we need to do is flip this layer horizontally. To do that, go to Edit > Transform > Flip Horizontal.
Your image should look like this now:

Step 7: Add the ropes holding our picture

Open the rope stock in Photoshop and select it by pressing Ctrl/Command and clicking in the thumbnail of the layer. After that, copy and paste it into our project.
The rope is really long so we’re going to have to resize it. Like we did before, use the Free Transform Tool (Ctrl/Command+T), and press Ctrl/Command+0 if you don’t see the whole rope. After that, resize it to a smaller size.
Now position the rope on the left side of our image and place the rope layer behind the picture frame layer and the old man layer.
Duplicate the rope layer by selecting it and pressing Ctrl/Command+J. After that, move your new rope layer to the right.
And now that you’re done with the ropes your image should look like this.

Step 8: Add the pigeon sitting on the picture

Open the pigeon stock and select it with the Quick Selection Tool (use those tips I showed before to make the selection better).
Copy and paste it into our project and, as usual, resize it using the Free Transform Tool(Ctrl/Command+T).
Place the pigeon above the picture frame and make sure that its layer is above all the others.
Now we’re going to add the shadow of the pigeon on the picture frame.
Create a new layer by clicking in the ‘Create a new layer’ button (you can also press Ctrl/Command+Alt/Option+Shift+N to create a new layer). Then, rename it to ‘Shadow’ and place it behind the pigeon layer.
Now paint the shadow of the pigeon using the images below as reference:
Now your image should look something like this:

Step 9: Add the smoke coming out of the picture

Let’s add the smoke to our project now. Open the smoke stock in Photoshop and before we copy and paste it, we’re going to desaturate it. Press Ctrl/Command+Shift+U to desaturate it and then copy all the image into our project.
Now resize the smoke using the Free Transform Tool (Ctrl/Command+T) and place it near our picture (see image below for reference).
Now change the blend mode of this layer to Screen and you’re done! Remember that we’re trying to make it look like the smoke is coming out of the man’s mouth, so if yours doesn’t look like it, you can move it around (even resize it if you want) until you’re satisfied with the result.
With the smoke added, your image should look like this now:
Now we’re going to group all those things we just added into a new group. Select all of the layers we just created, press Ctrl/Command+G and rename the group to Picture.

Step 10: Add the “balloons girl”

Open the Girl 1 stock and select her using the Quick Selection Tool (W) or, if you prefer, the Pen Tool (P).
Now copy and paste the girl into our project and resize her using the Free Transform Tool (Ctrl/Command+T). After that, mirror the girl by going to Edit > Transform > Flip Horizontal and place her on the top of the turtle’s head.
Now let’s add her shadow in the turtle’s head. Create a new layer by clicking on ‘Create a new layer’ or by pressing Ctrl/Command+Alt/Option+Shift+N.
Rename the new layer to Shadow and place it behind the girl’s layer.
Now use a hard brush to paint the shadow of the girl, use the image below as reference:
We’re going to use the Gaussian Blur to make the shadow more realistic. Go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur and use a Radius of 3.5px.
Now your image should be similar to this one:
Let’s change the hair of the girl a little bit. Select the Smudge Tool and start clicking and dragging her hair around (see image below for reference):
Yours probably won’t look exactly the same, but don’t worry about that. In my image her hair looks like this:
Your image should now be similar to this one:
Before moving on to the next step, group the girl and its shadow in a new group (Ctrl/Command+G) and name it Right Girl.

Step 11: Add the balloons

Let’s add the balloons to our scene. Open the three balloons and use the Quick Selection Tool (W) to select them. It’s the same process for the three of them, and after that you can copy and paste them into our project.
Resize the balloons using the Free Transform Tool (Ctrl/Command+T) and holding Shift while click and drag the corners, like usual. Place them above the right girl like shown in the image below:
Now we’re going to rotate the second and third balloon a little bit. Use the Free Transform Tool (Ctrl/Command+T) again and change the Rotate values like shown in the images below:
Your balloons should look like this now:
To finish this step group the three balloons in a new group called Balloons (really original huh).

Step 12: Add the ribbons holding the balloons

Let’s start this step by creating a new group called Ribbons and placing it between the Right Girl group and the Picture group. Leave the ribbons stock open because we’ll use it again later.
To create a new group just click the ‘Create a new group’ button.
Now open the ribbons stock and use the Quick Selection Tool to select the third one (that’s the only one we’re going to use).
Paste it into our scene and resize it using the Free Transform Tool(Ctrl/Command+T). Place it in the hands of our girl in the right.
Now go into the Free Transform mode again, right click the ribbon and select Warp.
Our goal is to make the ribbon bend so it looks like the girl is actually holding the balloon. See the image below for the steps:
Now go back to our ribbon stock and copy and paste the red ribbon again into our image. Resize it and place it in the same place as the other one in the beginning.
Go into the Free Transform mode again and increase the height of the ribbon. There will be three squares in the top part of our ribbon, select the middle one and drag it to increase the height. Take a look at the image below:
Now do the same thing we did with the other ribbon. Right click the ribbon, select Warp and make it look like its pulling the balloon.
With two ribbons your image should be similar to this one:
To add the third ribbon the process is exactly the same as the others. Go into our stock, copy and paste the ribbon for the last time, resize it and place in the same position as the others in the beginning.
We’re going to increase the height of this one too. Go to the Free Transform mode and pull the middle square of the top section again to increase its height.
While in the Free Transform mode, click with the right mouse button in the ribbon and select Warp. Warp it to make it look like its holding the first balloon.
With all the ribbons, your image should be like this now:
If you created the Ribbons group in the beginning and placed all the ribbons in it, you should have this group now.

Step 13: Add the hand pushing the balloon

Open the hand stock and select it with the Quick Selection Tool (W).
Paste it into our scene and go to Edit > Transform > Flip Horizontal.
Now resize it using the Free Transform Tool and place it in the right corner of our image, on the top.
Create a new layer by clicking in the ‘Create a new layer’ button (you can also press Ctrl/Command+Alt/Option+Shift+N to create a new layer). Then, rename it to ‘Shadow’ and place it behind the hand layer.
Paint the shadow using the image below as reference.
Open the Balloons group and while holding Ctrl/Command click in the thumbnail of the second balloon (the one underneath the hand). We have to do this to make sure that the Gaussian Blur doesn’t make the Shadow go over the sky.
Now add the Gaussian Blur effect by going to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur and set a radius of 5px.
Your image should now look like this:
I don’t like that little imperfection we have in our hand stock, so we’re going to remove it. Select the Spot Healing Brush Tool (J) and with the hand layer selected, click in that bruise.
With the bruise removed, your image should be similar to this one:
To finish this step, as usual, create a new group to the hand and its shadow. Name the group Hand.

Step 14: Add the floating window

Open the window image and use the Pen Tool(P) to make 4 lines around the window.
Then, right click inside the path you just made and click in Make Selection
Set the Feather Radius to 0px and click OK.
Copy and paste the window into our scene. Resize it using the Free Transform Tool and check in the image below the placement.
Now select the Rectangular Marquee Tool (M) and make rectangles in the window as shown in the image below. Remember that if you hold Shift while making the selection, you’ll only be able to make squares, not rectangles, so you have to hold Shift only after you’ve finished a selection and it’s going to start another one.
After you selected everything except for the window frame, go to Select > Save Selection and name your selection Window Frame.
Now open the Premade Background, press Ctrl/Command+A to select all of it, and copy and paste it into our scene. Resize it with the Free Transform Tool and place it in the window we added before.
After the background is in place, go to Select > Load Selection and select the Window Frame selection we created before.
With the Window Frame selection on, click in the ‘Add layer mask’ button to add a layer mask to the premade background.
With the premade background added, your image should now look like this:
Now let’s add a Black and White Adjustment Layer (non-destructively). In the Black and White Adjustment Layer, select the Green Filter, clip it to our premade background and change the layer opacity of this adjustment to around 30%.
Your image should be similar to this one now:
Back in our window layer (in my case it’s layer 16), double click it to open the Layer Style options.
Now we’re going to add a Drop Shadow, an Outer Glow and an Inner Glow to our image. Check the images below for reference.
We’re finished with the window, your image should be similar to this one:
Now group (Ctrl/Command+G) the window frame and background into a new group called Window.

Step 15: Add the ladder

Open the ladder image and use the Pen Tool (P) to select it. Make a big path around the whole ladder, and then start making paths between the steps and other details.
After you made all the paths, right click in the ladder and click in Make Selection like we did earlier in this tutorial. Leave the Feather Radius at 0px and click OK. Then copy and paste it into our scene. After that, use the Free Transform Tool to resize the ladder and place it in the back of the turtle like shown in the image below:
Now create a new group called Ladder and place this layer inside.

Step 16: Add the girl climbing the ladder

Open the Girl 2 stock image and select her with the Quick Selection Tool(W). Don’t worry too much about her hair, we’ll fix that later.
Now copy and paste the girl into our project, and use the Free Transform Tool to resize her and place her in the ladder.
We’re going to change her hair like we did with the other girl. Select the Smudge Tool with a brush size of 1px and 90% Strength, and start to click and drag her hair around following the image below:
Right now your image should look similar to this:
To finish this step, add the girl to a new group called ‘Left Girl’.

Step 17: Add the Elephant on the turtle

Open the elephant stock and make a selection around it using the Pen Tool(P).
Then right click the elephant and click in Make Selection. Leave the Feather Radius at 0px and click OK. Now copy and paste the elephant into our scene. Resize the elephant using the Free Transform Tool, and you should have something like this:
Now let’s use the Puppet Warp Tool to make it look like the elephant is grabbing one of the balloons. With the elephant layer selected, go to Edit > Puppet Warp.
Take a look at the image below and add some anchor points in the elephant. To add an anchor point you just have to click somewhere in the mesh.
After you added those seven anchor points, click in the one you added in the elephant’s trunk and drag it to the balloon.
Open the balloons group again. Create a layer mask in the elephant layer, hold Ctrl/Command and click in the thumbnail of the balloon that the elephant is grabbing.
Now paint with black the elephant’s trunk (check the image below for reference). You can use any kind of brush you want as long as you completely erase that area.
Now your image should look like this:
Now create a new layer (like we did before), name it Shadow and place it below the Elephant layer.
If you deselected the balloon layer, select it again by opening the balloons group, holding Ctrl/Command and clicking in the thumbnail of the balloon that the elephant is grabbing.
After that, paint the shadow of the elephant’s trunk in the balloon like in the image below:
Now we’re going to add a Gaussian blur to make the shadow more realistic. Go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur and set the radius to 5px.
Your image should look like this now:
To finish this step, as usual, add the elephant and its shadow to a new group called Elephant.

Step 18: Add the horse holding the ladder

Open the horse stock and select it using the Quick Selection Tool(W).
Copy and paste the horse into our image, resize it using the Free Transform Tool (Ctrl/Command+T) and place it next to the ladder.
Now add a Color Balance Adjustment Layer (non-destructively, as usual) and see the image below for the input values.
Remember to clip the adjustment to the horse layer, because that’s the only thing we want the effect to be applied to.
Add a Level Adjustment Layer non-destructively, and push the middle arrow a little bit to the right (0,95). Clip this adjustment to our horse layer as well.
Your horse should now look like this:
Now we have to make it look like the horse is holding the ladder, so we’re going to play with the Puppet Warp Tool again.
Go to Edit > Puppet Warp and add 6 anchor points in the horse (see image below for reference).
Follow the arrows in the image above and move the front legs of the horse closer to the ladder, and then you should have something like this:
To fix the horsehair, we’re going to do the same thing that we did with the hair of the girls. Select the Smudge Tool again and with a small brush click and drag the horsehair following the image below.
Add the shadow of the horse in the turtle like we did before, create a new layer called Shadow and place it behind the horse layer.
Now open the turtle group and Ctrl/Command click the thumbnail of the turtle. After that, paint the shadow with a hard brush following the image below.
Go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur and set the Radius to around 3px.
Your image should be similar to this one now:
To finish this step, add these last layer we created in a group called Horse and place it behind the ladder group.

Step 19: Add the ladder shadow

Adding the shadow to the horse made me realize we forgot (well, I forgot) to add the shadow to the ladder, so open the Ladder group again.
Add a new layer, call it Shadow and place it behind the ladder layer. After that paint the shadow following the image below.
Then add a Gaussian Blur (Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur) with a radius of 3px to our shadow layer.
Now your image should be similar the one below and we’re ready to move on with our manipulation.

Step 20: Add the buildings behind the elephant

Open the skyline stock and select the buildings with the Quick Selection Tool (W). Don’t worry too much about the lower part because it won’t be seen in our scene.
Copy and paste the skyline in our scene, resize it with the Free Transform Tool (Ctrl/Command+T) and place it on the top of the elephant.
Create a new group for this layer, name it Skyline and place it behind the elephant group.
Your scene should look like this now:

Step 21: Add the mountain above the elephant

Open the mountain stock and select the mountain using the Quick Selection Tool (W). Don’t worry too much about the lower edges, we will erase them later.
Copy and paste the mountain into our project and resize it using the Free Transform Tool. After that, place the mountain on the top of the elephant like this:
Now let’s work the edges of the mountain. Create a new layer mask to this layer and start painting using the image below as reference:
Your mountain should look something like this now:
And your scene should look like this:
The mountains are too blue, so we’re going to change that by adding (non-destructively) a Color Balance Adjustment Layer. Check the image below for the input values and remember to clip it to the mountain layer.
Now create a new group for the mountain and the adjustment layer. Name the new group Mountain.

Step 22: Add the helicopter patrolling the elephant

Open the helicopter stock. We’re going to use a different technique to select it, so, first of all, make a random selection of the sky using the Quick Selection Tool, like this:
Now go to Select > Similar and Photoshop will select everything he thinks its similar to the selection you’ve made.
We want to select the helicopter, not the sky, so we will invert the selection by pressing Ctrl/Command+Shift+I.
Now use the Quick Selection Tool(W) to add the areas the missing areas of the helicopter to our selection.
After you’re done, copy and paste it into our project. Now mirror the helicopter by going to Edit > Transform > Flip Horizontal.
Then resize the helicopter using the Free Transform Tool and place it near the buildings we just added.
Download the Light Beams Brushes and unpack them anywhere you want in your computer. After that, select the Brush Tool and click with the right button somewhere in your scene. Then click in the arrow (see image below) and search in your computer for the SS-light-beams.abr file that you’ve just downloaded.
With the light beams brushes opened, select the one highlighted in the image below. Reduce the size of the brush to 417px.
We don’t want to paint directly in our helicopter layer because we won’t be able to change the light beam later if we want, so create a new layer called ‘Light Beam’ and place it before the helicopter layer.
Before painting, select the color white in your color palette (Shortcut: D and then X), set the opacity of our brush to around 75% and then you can paint following the instructions in the image below:
Your image should look like this now:
To finish this step create a new group with the helicopter and the light beam layer. Name the new group Helicopter.

Step 23: Add the root legs to our elephant

Open the root image and use the Quick Selection Tool (W) to make a rough selection of the tree roots.
Copy and paste the root into our scene and add a Color Balance Adjustment Layer (non-destructively). Check the image below for the input values.
Remember to clip the adjust to the root only.
Resize the root and place it in one of the right legs of the elephant.
Now we’re going to duplicate the root and the Color Balance Adjustment three times. Select them and drag into the ‘Create a new layer’ button.
You should have something like this now:
Now select each of the new roots you created and place them into the other legs of the elephant. You can resize them if you want to, but there’s no need to rotate them.
You don’t need to select the Color Balance Adjustment when you change the position of the root because the adjustment is attached to the root, so it will follow the root automatically.
We have to make sure that the root layers attached to the right legs of the elephant are actually on the top of the layer stack, so change the layer stack if you have to.
This time you have to drag the root and the Color Balance Adjustment with it.
Your scene should look like this now:
Let’s work with the root of the right front leg first. Create a layer mask in the root layer and paint it with black following the instructions in the image below:
The result should be something like this:
Now go to the left front leg of the elephant. Create a layer mask to the root layer and paint the areas that you don’t want with black (see image below):
The front legs should look like this now:
The legs on the left side of the elephant are a little bit darker than the other ones, so we’re going to add a new layer above the root layer of the left front leg of the elephant and paint some shadows in it.
If you created the new layer while the root layer was selected, it should already be clipped, but make sure that the new layer you just created only applies to the root layer below it.
And here is the final outcome of the front legs.
With the back legs we’re going to do the exact same steps. Just remember to add a new layer on the top of the root layer of the left leg and add some shadows on the root.
And here is the final outcome of the back legs:
And here is my layer stack of the roots.
Your image now should be similar to this one:
Now add all this layers we created for the roots in a new group called Roots.
Right now we can see the legs of the elephant through the roots and we don’t want that, so open our Elephant group again and click on the layer mask of the elephant layer. (which we created on step 17)
Now hide the legs of the elephant following the instructions on the image below:
Your image should now look like this:
We’re almost there! We just need to add the root shadows and then we’ll enter the final stage of our manipulation.
So go to our elephant group and add a new layer above the Shadow layer we created on the step 17. Name the new layer ‘Root Shadow’.
Open the turtle group again and Ctrl/Command click the thumbnail of the turtle.
Now paint the shadow of the roots with a hard brush.
Then add a Gaussian blur to make the shadow more realistic, go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur and set the Radius to around 10px.
Set the opacity of this shadow layer to around 40%.
And now we’re finally done with all those stock images and we’re ready to make the final adjustments.

Step 24:Final Adjustments

To start with out final adjustments, create a new layer on the top of our layer stack.
Now select a gray color by going to the color picker and setting ‘H’ to 0, ‘S’ to 0 and ‘B’ to 50.
Fill the new layer with gray using a shortcut. Alt/Option+Delete will fill the layer with gray for you.
Now change the blend mode of this layer to Overlay and you will se no difference in your image.
Select the Dodge Tool(O) with a soft brush(hardness between 0~50%) and the exposure at 10%
And now start “painting” your gray layer with the Dodge and the Burn Tool. Here are some tips:
  • Doge Tool will make place you paint brighter
  • The Burn Tool will make the place you paint darker
  • To quickly change between them hold Alt/Option, this will change the tools as long as you hold the Alt/Option key (You will use this A LOT)
  • If you made a mistake and it’s too late to undo the changes don’t worry, just select the Brush Tool and paint the area of the layer you want to “reset” with gray again (that’s why we’re using this gray layer)
This is the most important step of our manipulation, and can really improve your final image if you do this right. So take your time in this step and don’t rush with the painting.
In the image below I tried to show you which areas to dodge and which areas to burn but it’s just a reference, try to make your own lightning of this image.
The image below is just my gray layer after I was done with the Dodge/Burn Tool painting. You don’t have to do that, but if you want to see what yours look like just change the Blend Mode to Normal again.
And here is my outcome:
We’re almost finished. Press Ctrl/Command + Shift + Alt/Option + E to make a new layer merging all the layers of your project together. Don’t worry, your layers will not be deleted.
Now change the blend mode of this new layer to Lighten and lower the opacity to around 35%.
Now let’s add a dreamy effect to our image. Go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur and set the Radius to around 10px.
With the dreamy effect:
Just two more adjustments! Add a Selective Color Adjustment Layer (non-destructively) and check the image below for the input values in each of the Colors values. The Colors that don’t appear in the image were not changed.
With the Selective Color Adjustment:
To finish off, repeat the shortcut to create a new layer merging all the previous layers (Ctrl/Command + Shift + Alt/Option + E).
And add a Lens Correction by going to Filter > Lens Correction.
Select the custom tab and change the Vignette Amount and Midpoint (see the image below for the values).
And here it is, finally, our final image:

Final Results

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